talking about exams again.
i don't know why? i kept talking about exams.
exams make people feel stress and scare.
hope that ministry of education will let schools, colleges or even universities will not have exams.
but this hope won't come true. living in singapore, having a cert in studies is the most important. without a good cert, we will be unable to find a good job.
if i can, i will choose to live in a rural area.
rather than an urban area.
rural area, no need to study no need anything.
only need to know how to survive.
living in there nothing to worry about.
not like now. so much worries:(
worry about if i can't pass my nitec course.
what should i do?
go work? or study again?
i don't know.
i wish to go to ARMY if i did not pass my nitec course.
but i scared that i cannot tahan the training over there.
so.....i shall pass my nitec course and fuck up to higher nitec than polytechnics.
if can:(
so blogging stops here.
she's finding her HIM, 12:00 AM.
exams! exams! exams!
nowdays keep blog about exams.
but i never do anything about it.
today is the last day of school.
sad:( i don't like:(
so morning have OFC lesson.
OFC lesson was boring, everyone was staring at their own com.
as for teacher sitting at her table waiting for ppl to ask her question.
haha! no ones went to ask her.
so...... after OFC was SBM lesson
so during SBM lesson have fire drills.
another boring item.
the sun was so blazing. !HOT!
luckily we only stood there not more than half an hour.
so after the fire drills went to canteen and chilled.
than slack, talk and joke. wait till S&WX lesson.
so during S&WX lesson teacher told us about our NAPFA result.
sadly to say that i only got silver:(
my aimed was gold.
but it is good that those get Silver Or GOld will receive a certified fit shirt.
hahas:) i was damm happy when i receive it:)
now nothing to blog.
later will be going to kallang netball centre for match & training:(
meeting buddy at TPY.
i think now she is sleeping soundly in her dream.
she's finding her HIM, 3:53 PM.
exams is nearer and nearer!
i havent memorize all those notes yet.
trying not to use com but i have the urging of using it .
i dont know why.
tomorrow will be the last day of school, i'm not excited or happy at all:(
i'm different from other people, i hate school holidays.
i will rather go to school than staying at home do nothing!
i love school life's, i dont know why.
you may think i'm crazy but seriously i dont like holidays.
holidays is a wastage of time. rather use the time to do things which are meaningful.
soooooo. ....... will be having major exams from next week onwards.
hope i will pass.
yes! my friends and i had participate in the upcoming F1 race. but we dont know whether we will be choosen. hope that all will be choosen:)
i want to work but there's trg and match. scared cannot appeal for leave if i start to work.
sad..... i gave up of finding work. i will work when my nitec courses finish:)
nothing to blog. gtg bye!
she's finding her HIM, 9:55 PM.
has been changing my blogskin recently, but sadly, i cant find those blogskin which i want. exams is reaching soon. only memorize some of the notes.
i'm afraid that i will fail my modules. seriously i dont have any confident in doing well in my modules.
just hope god will bless me:(
i think i have phobia in OSA, i cant even done it in time and hand up to teacher.
i scared that i do not have enough time. seriously I'M SCARED!
MY aim is to proceed to higher nitec accountant/logistic.
this is my only hope.
if can, further my studies to polytechnic.
so from this week onwards i will try my very best to memorize everything in my head.
sadly to say that i wont be blogging these few days/weeks.
forcing myself to keep away from computer:)
may god bless you:)
she's finding her HIM, 4:46 PM.
just came back from AMK.
went there and makan, shop and home.
before went to kallang netball centre to play energizer match.
sadly to say that we lose 27-35.
they are so strong cant even beat them.
yarh! they from ACJC.
sooooo strong. especially the Shooter.
today i never played well, keep cannot defend or catch rebound.
ms regina say i'm not that aggressive.
i totally agree with her.
i played the whole 4 quarter match.
it's killing me, keep on playing mid-fielder.
until 3 quarter i cant tahan, vision was so blur.
but i still continue.
after the match coach treated us KFC.
but i never eat. so sit there talk crap with melinda and nat.
haha! have fun over there saying each other Typical Singaporean.
yarh! wait for melinda to finish her food, than went to took bus and MRT to AMK:)
she's finding her HIM, 10:31 PM.
ewww...... my face is full of PIMPLES!
i think is because of my mens.
yarh! my house here having miricle.
BOMB! a flea market suddenly land at my house area.
it was like very long that flea market lands on SHUNFU.
i think the previous one was like 5-6 years ago.
not much people went there.
all people who stay there are rich except SHUNFU ROAD HDB-FLAT.
which i stays in!
yarh! over my house there is full of condos & semi-detached surrounded.
only the HDB-FLAT is the odd one.
haha! why am i keep talking about flat.
yeah! so went to flea market is also known as Pasamalam in Malay i think so.
and bought things for dinner, because grandma did not cook today.
so have ramlee burger and lots of stuffs for my dinner.
food there was sucks.
not nice at all!
compared to other flea market.
so after buying food and walk back to HOME SWEET HOME!
just now just went to downstairs and pass my younger sis things to my aunt.
suppose to pass it to dad, but he havent reach.
so pass to my aunt than went in to her BF car for a while.
and remembered that kelly's still in conversation with me.
so fly up back and start talking to her.
we talk crap:)
sad:( today will be all alone in a stupid room.
huizhen went to 2nd aunt house.
bro went back camp for night duty.
darrell went back to his dad house.
as for mag, he went to her BF house.
so today only i will sleep in the room.
sad:( sad:( sad:(
she's finding her HIM, 10:41 PM.
she's finding her HIM, 9:11 PM.
明天 energizer match 将会开是.
我很怕,应为这是我第一生中和 ite 的队友们一起大球.
try to write in chinese but dunno whether is good anot!
she's finding her HIM, 4:02 PM.
I have been study in ITE almost half a year.
till yesterday, than i know my cousin was in the same ITE as me!
haha! stupid me!
yesterday around afternoon went to Bishan Active and meet my BESTIES!
long time never see them:(
so we went there and play bball. quite fun! but i dare not defend those guys cos i'm not familiar with those ppl.
so played for 1 hour plus, head home, wash-up and went to AMK for dinner.
so went to eat jap food. NICE!
after having our dinner went to shop around and buy stuff.
than headed back to home.
today same as usual monday, wake up, wash-up and head to school.
on my way to take bus, i found that i forgot to bring my concession pass.
than forget it. i used coins. when i board up the bus. i throw in the money and you know what the bus uncle say. i feel like killing him!
bus drive: tap your card.
me: i forget to bring.
bus driver: so you put $1
put all my money
bus driver: still need to put in 20 cents more.
me: i don't have!
bus drive : if next time you did not bring your concession pass, you need to pay $1
i was like WTH! are you blind. i'm wearing school uniform!
so frustrated! somemore the bus driver act friendly. everyones board the bus he will say good morning but no ones cares him not even a glance at him..
they tap their card and walk away.
haha! nice one people!!
sp reach school, went up to class.
study! study! study!
class ends, went to co-op shop, wanted to buy uniform but in the end never buy.
so went AMK again with bella and yishan.
suppose to go there and buy shoe. in the end also never buy!
went to food court to have our breakfast cum lunch.
finish eating shop around and when the time we want to go home.
heavy heavy rain.
so sit outside toilte bench and drink our bubble tea.
drink until half way, mag message me and ask me go home.
no choice, took taxi home.
when i going to pay money, i notice that the taxi driver did not press his metre.
so he ask me how much u usually take from AMK to here. than i say $6 plus.
so went home, irene aunt called and ask me whether i'm home.
so i ask her usually we took from AMK to shunfu how much?
than she say $5 plus. i told her i tell the uncle $6 plus than she say where got so ex one. haha!
so went home, change, watch tv and blogging now:)
she's finding her HIM, 5:04 PM.
i'm a mangosteen frek! i've been eating mangosteen for 2 days!
it was damm sweet and juicy. I LOVE IT:)
now is 2 weeks away from exams. but now i only memorise unit 1 and unit 2 for my CRN.
as for OSA, no need to say so much, i have totally forgotten how to do excel and access. WTH!
i'm very worried now. trying out to do excel at home but really i cannot do it. all throw back to teacher. i need help please:(
than OFC, some of the content i forgot too.
but during these 2 weeks, i will study no matter there is time for me. my only hope is to pass my modules and fcuk up to higher nitec than poly.
yarh! on the 22 May, the energizer match will begin.
coach haven choose the player.
i hope i will be inside, with my fellows teammates.
i hope that the match won't affect my studies.
so from no onwards, i need to arrange my time.
so i will have equally study & play:)
sad to say that i also will not have time online:)
she's finding her HIM, 12:00 PM.
just came back from outside. family went to eat bean curd, i did not eat because i don't like:(
today suppose to have Netball match but sad the weather not good! rain damm heavy in the afternoon and evening.
so match is cancel! but at night the rain stops! wth! haha!
they shouldn't canceled the game cos our game starts at 8. by the time of 8pm the rain stops!
wasted our trip to TPY!
so meet emiliah, enyu and aisyah at TPY. actually we meet there first than go kallang but match was canceled.
so we was thinking where to go. seat at the stairway almost 1 hr i think than at last decided to buy things to makan than go shop shop by the way TPY nothing to SHOP!
so walk walk walk..... so we went to library. went to children section to find book. what a joke. 4 teenagers went to children section. nothing to do over there, so decided to read malay story book. i read to emiliah and emiliah corrected me. than emiliah took chinese book than me and enyu corrected her. both of us read in a very funny way. cos we really dunno those language.
so after doing all those stupid thing went back to TPY interchange and headed home:)
Saturday, 16 May 2009
12.53 am
she's finding her HIM, 12:43 AM.
thanks god! napfa test has finished!
yesterday was napfa test. did not done well in some of the stations:(
therefore i don't think i can get the certified fit shirt!
sad:( i want that shirt it's look so cool and it's balck colour.
i want it! i want it!
now whole body was aching like hell but use to it already.
so now in the school nothing to do so blog!
later will be OSA. type type type again. i hope this semester subject faster finish. i'm welcoming the next 3 subject i think so . haha)
yarh! n0thing to write so stop here!
ISOMNIA-wheesung he is so handsome:)
she's finding her HIM, 8:46 AM.
today is mother's day! i did not give my mum anything because i don't have the habit of giving.
yarh some people may think i very what like that! but no worries when i grow up earn money i will pay her back.
haha! now i still studying no money only pocket money. sad:(
yarh! at least a flower right but sad:( i don't think she likes flower! haha!
so now nothing to do so blog! blog! blog!
my chest was damm pain!
is like something poking me!
PAIN! who can help me to cure!
i'm excited about tomorrow business!
tomorrow my friends and i will be selling accessories in school foyer!
hop that people will buy from us:)
so GOODLUCK for my sales tomorrow:)
she's finding her HIM, 1:27 PM.
hmm..... nothing to do so blog now.
in the morning went to J8 and eat MAC, so i have my double cheese burger!
is damm tasty! HEAVENLY!! i love it!
after eating went for a walk than to breadtalk and bought a cake for my Ah Ma.
for MOTER's DAy! by the way is not i pay is my aunt!
bought cake than head home.
just went down to pass SARAH thing and she pass me screw driver which i lent it to her that time.
so came up again and surf the net.
Bro went to hospital, because yeaterday he drank too much alchohol.
ah ma & ah gong cabbed down with him to TTS i think so.
haha! serve him ritex. received money lerr than go drink.
haha! just joking.
nothing to blog!
i want to cut my HAIR!
she's finding her HIM, 5:06 PM.
school was FUN today!
firstly was OFC lesson followed by SBM than S&WX!
during S&WX miss leong never come so miss regina took over! haha!
we played captain's ball with other class! so FUN! shan you miss the FUN!
at first we lose to them but i think at last we catch up!:)
haha! everyone was sweating like hell!
so After S&WX went to changing room and change than head to causeway point with friends than to yishan's house.
went to yishan's house and do our presentation board for our SBM project.
as for this coming MONDAY we will be selling accessories in school foyer!
everyone do come and support us! so after doing those stuffs, went to yishan room again!
play her com. than around 4 pm we went home:)
yeah this coming wednesday there will be NAPFA test!
scared sia!
i want to get GOLD! for my NAPFA test!
hope i can:)
she's finding her HIM, 6:50 PM.
today school was boring! nothing to do so we took some candid shots!
all was in black and white! lols! haha!
all funny shots! i thinks so!
haha! tmr S&WX! must run! tired!
come on gals tmr we play basketball!
volleyball & badminton not fuN! haha!

she's finding her HIM, 9:08 PM.
i'm really TIRED!
during training i defend my teammates, i think her name call lynette.
her stamina damm good. she run very fast. i cannot catch up with her.
try to defend her as much as i can.
haha! so during half of the match my gastric feels pain. i think i run too much.
tired! tired! TIRED!
luckily i can still tahah!
OMG! i'm really tired don't feel like blogging lerr.
i want to SLEEP!
she's finding her HIM, 9:51 PM.
i'm HUNGRY now. i don't know why?
but in the morning i just ate bee hoon prawn noodle. and now my stomach is grumbling! i'm HUNGRY! i'm HUNGRY!
i know i eat alot! haha!but at home nothing to do. so...... EAT is the best way to spend my time.
haha! just joking.
just now revising my CRN, jot down some notes and lazy to do the rest. so stop jotting notes and laptop time.
using laptop to find suitable blogskins for my blog. nut to no avail:( can't find a suitable blogskins which i like.
SAD:( now my house was damm noisy. grandpa was taking to aunty. their voice are damm loud. shouting over here and there.
haha! i think our whole family talks very loud! YEAH!
i'm really HUNGRY! anyone can spare me some FOOD?
i'm going to find some FOOD in my house:)
i saw you! but i don't know whether you saw me.
trying to forget you! but i don't think i can.
i always hope to see you and take a glance at you:)
she's finding her HIM, 12:17 PM.
today met up hweeyung, yishan, ruzhen and bella at causeway point.
after that went to yishan's house to do project. but at last we do a little bit and than go yishan's room and play computer. we talk to yishan's Malaysia friends.
talk to them is damm funny. everyone was laughing when i talk to them in melayu.
haha! i just agar agar talk to them. i thought they won't understand but to my surprise they understand what i'm talking. hahas:)
so we sing and talk along till 6 pm.
than took bus to interchange and change bus to admiralty park to have our dinner.
we ate SAKURA for our dinner. the food over there SUCKS! haha!
orchard one better. orchard one more variety also for admiralty park very few!
so eat a little bit don't feel like eating:( and damm FULL too!
SAD:( i waste money cos never eat that much:)
after eating took bus back to interchange & MRT home:)
she's finding her HIM, 10:42 PM.
yesterday midnight went to watch movie.
FRIDAY and 13. the show was M18 but we just went in.
the people over there didn't notice at all.
i don't know the show was M18 when my aunt they all bought the ticket.
i was like haha!
but when the show starts. i was regretting watching.
it is damm scary especially the KILLER.
kill alot of ppl. but the killer won't die. after i watch this show. i swear i won't watch those killer movie anymore. really! my hearts pumps damm fast. and my heart is like jumping out from my mouth! ya than after that went home:)
so now i going to Malaysia and eat.
she's finding her HIM, 6:18 PM.