i'm LAZY to blog this few days, idk why.
but i'm here to share a great news for my result.
i am very satisfied with my result.
i got 3A & 1B, as for GPA points i got 3.688/4.0!
i was damm SHOCK when i see my result.
i never even dare to hope i would get my GPA points more than 3.2!
haha!next semester i will work more and more harder.
so that i can proceed to my Higher Nitec & Polytechnic!
Wish me good luck man!
so today went for training from 7-10pm.
coach train me for shooting, idk why.
it was damm tiring.
and the most important is i never play before shooting.
i was like playing defender for 3 years & suddenly she wants me to switch to shooter.
but today training was indeed FUN!
she's finding her HIM, 1:25 AM.
Basyirah tagged me to do this:)
but sad! i won't as k people to do this!
1. Real name - Elaine Ong.
2. Nickname(s)- SmellyElaine.
3. Star sign - Gemini.
4. Male or female - Female.
5. Elementary - Toddle Class.
6. Middle School - Ang Mo Kio Primary School.
7. High School - Whitley Secondary School.
8. Hair color - Brown! (cos i dye it!)
9.Long or short hair- Long (i think).
10. Loud or Quiet - Both. depends on my mood:)
11. Sweats or Jeans - Non!
12. Phone or Camera - BOTH[: of course!
13. Fruits or fried foods- Both! but must eat balance!
14. Drink or Smoke? - No.
15. Do you have a crush on someone? YES! YES!
16. Eat or Drink - Both!
17. Piercings - Ear piercing (:
18. Tattoos - Of course! COOL!
19. Been in an airplane - YES! school trip!
20. Been in a relationship - Nah.....
21.Been in a car accident - NO!!
22. Been in a fist fight - YES! with my cousins! haha!
23. First piercing - Ear
24. First best friend - Many Many!
25. First award - Primary school. i think!
26. First crush - Nah.......
27. First fashion sense - ??
28. First vacation - Since when i was young:)
29. Last person you talked to - Dear Nithyaa
30. Last person you texted - Buddy Emiliah!
31. Last person(s) you watched a movie with - Johnny, Mag & HuiZhen !
32. Last food you ate - Panda Biscuits:0
33. Last movie you watched - Jackie Chan Movie. forgot what the show called!
34. Last song you listened to - Elecropop!
35. Last thing you bought - Tibits:)
36. Last person you hugged- Little Cousin Trever!
37. Food - Almost Everything:)
38. Drinks - Ice Lemon Tea!
39. Clothing -Anything in BLACK!
40. Books - Nah..... i don't like to read!
41. Musics - Chinese & Korean!
42.Flower - Nah.... i don't like. different from others!
43. Colours - Black & White!
44. Movies - Horror Movie!
45. Positions - ???
SIN 2008..... I
47. [ ] kissed in the snow
48. [ ] celebrated Halloween
49. [ ] had your heart broken
50. [x] went over the minutes on your cell phone
51. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation
52. [ ] came out of the closet(i was playing hide-n-seek)
53. [ ] gotten pregnant
54. [ ] had an abortion
55. [x] done something you've regretted
56. [x] broke a promise
57. [x] hid a secret
58. [x] pretended to be happy
59. [ ] met someone who changed your life
60. [ ] pretended to be sick
61. [ ] left the country
62. [ ] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
63. [ ] cried over the silliest thing
64. [ ] ran a mile
65. [x]went to the beach with your best friend(s)
66. [ ] stayed single the whole year
67. Eating - No.
68. Drinking - No.
69. I'm about to - Rot at Home!
70. Listening to - The Keyboard Sound
71. Plans for today - Nah....
72. Waiting for -Tomorrow Match! .
73. Want kids? - Let Me Think First!
74. Want to get married? -In the future, Maybe!
75. Careers in mind - Be an Army Girl!
76. Lips or eyes - ??
77. Shorter or taller? - Tall!!!!
78. Romantic or spontaneous - ??
79. Nice stomach or nice arms - Nah......
80. Sensitive or loud - Don't know!
81. Hook-up or relationship - Nah.......
82. Trouble-maker or hesitant - Hesitant
83. Lost glasses/contacts ? No! but broke it!
84. Ran away from home ? No!!
85. Hold a gun/knife for self defense ? Crazy!
86. Killed somebody ? Of course NO!
87. Broken someone's heart ? Nah......
88. Been arrested ? NO!!!!
89. Cried when someone died ? YEAH!
90. Yourself - 100% yes.
91. Miracles - YEAH!
92. Love at first sight - Yeah
93. Heaven - Yeah.
94. Santa Claus - NOPE! just to bluff those kids!
95. Sex on the first date - SIAO!!!!
96. Kiss on the first date - Nah.....
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? - Yeah !
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? - Somehow.
99. Do you believe in God - Of course!
This is the 100th and last. - Yeah!
she's finding her HIM, 5:20 PM.
went to school in morning for the F1 race briefing.
after that went to Bugis to SHOPPING
so went to SOUL GARDEN to fill our stomach!
i still remember the smell till now.
but it somehow smelly when we get out of there.
the smell of smoke cant get away from us!
all over our body, hair and everywhere!
after that went to take Neoprint.
this is the first time taking Neoprint with my Cliques.
and i think we known each other for 6 months only.
so after Neoprinting.
suddenly Hweeyung suggested to go Pray.
soooooo.... everyone agreed.
reach the temple wanted to go in but suddenly Bella shouted at me and said:
Elaine! you just now ate BEEF!
i Stop for a few minutes and reply her: ya hor!
so we stand outside and pray and wait till the others to come out.
everybody wanted to head back to bugis, suddenly we saw a familiar faces!
it was Missy Seet!
so coincident! talk to her a while than head back to Bugis and took Mrt.
rest of them took Mrt home as for me took Mrt to TPY and buy FBT Shorts.
but when i reached there, the uncle say the stock havent come yet!
Wasted trip! WASTE MY TIME.
so after that headed HOME!
these are some of the pictures we took:)
at BUGIS:) rest will be uploaded next time.
too many! TIRED!:0

she's finding her HIM, 11:51 PM.