today was totally "NO MOOD" day for me.
no mood to talk. no mood to study.
from starting school till school ended, i think i never even spoken 30 sentence.
causing my mood lose is because of the F1 race thinging.
my friend and I suppose to go for the F1 race meeting.
suddenly my friends don't want to go, because of the long of meeting & role playing.
i was like WTT. nevermind don't go.
so my friends knew i'm angry. i never talk to them as much as last time.
from my face expression, i think they know i'm angry.
sorry FRIENDS:)
i'm so concern because the F1 race is a good chance for us to have an experience.
on the other hand, my uncle will ask me whether i get in to the F1 race anot, he really concern about it. so what should i tell him now?
tell him they never select me? or tell him i never go?
confirm he will scold/say me, why you never go?
it's a waste!
yeah. so HuiZhen when he/she ask you whether i'm in the F1 race thing, pls tell them i'm not in:)
u know who i refer to. thanks:)
so forget it.
tmr is a new day:)
will start tmr a fresh:)
Elaine Learns To Forgive & Forget!
by the way training is canceled today.
reason? i don't know.
so training will be tmr at kallang netball centre at 7pm
dude! so late!
but i like it:)
yeah! tomorrow class starts 10 am till 1 pm.
tonight can sleep late:)
tmr i will be wearing jeans to school, hope thanni won't find out:)
she's finding her HIM, 9:41 PM.
everyone's are complaining about there blog.
but mine seems normal.
nothing wrong with it.
today went for netball training.
so have a friendly match.
i think none of us played seriously.
everyone's were laughing non - stop in the court. or only me?
not sure.
training today indeed fun!
she's finding her HIM, 12:59 AM.
yesterday went to netball training.
one word to describe "TIRED"!
training from 6-10!
Dead Beat!
whole body was aching like hell.
forcing and dragging myself to take Bus!
so reach home and went to sleep after that.
today, wake up , aunt call.
asking us whether want to join her for breafast.
so we joined. halfway feel very tired!
have a feeling that will be having fever.
so went home checked temp, and guess what.
FEVER. Fever plus Body Aching!
i was like WTH.
So took Panadol, slept for a while.
and now RECOVER.
better recover fast, cos tmr going out with friends.
cannot miss that u know!
she's finding her HIM, 3:32 PM.

I'm Forcing Myself To Upload These Photos Becuase My Blog Really Looks Dead!
These Photo Was Taken On Wednesday.
It Is Like A Small Bonding Day For Our Class.
So We Ordered Some Pizzas & Satays:)
Everyone Was Quite Cooperate:)
So For The Last Three Periods,
EveryOne Was Playing, Eating And Posting:)
All Of Us Were Having Fun On That Day:)
she's finding her HIM, 12:39 AM.
Nowadays i felt blogging such a boring thing to do.
Maybe i'm lazy, that's why i feel boring:(
so today went to AMK to have breakfast cum Lunch.
after that went home to put our stuffs.
and head to feed Monkeys!
those monkeys look so scary at first to me.
but when times goes by, i find them cute.
after feeding them head home than.
tomorrow lesson starts at 8 am and end at 11 pm.
yeah! so hope training will resume next week.
never exercise will gain weight!
so training come come come!
i confirm will go go go!
she's finding her HIM, 11:33 PM.
today was grandpa 60th birthday & we help him celebrate.
so in the afternoon went to AMK hub to have breakfast cum lunch.
after that mum bought me 2 top from AMK HUB & it cost around $70 plus.
after buying, we head to NTUC to buy steamboat foods!
yum! yum!
after that mum went to emicakes shop to buy durian cake for grandpa.
as for us, we bought a perfume for him, but we gave him earlier on.
so went home, rest for a while.
bball with darrell & huizhen for 1 hr plus.
head home bath & have a short nap than have my steamboat!
after having stemboat, is CAKE time.
so everyone set up everything and than there's goes the birthday song.
song ended. cake cut. only have some of it becoz i don't like DURIAN that much.
so now blogging.
some of my family went out & some of them stay at home.
but they were sleeping like a pig! haha!
as for me, blogging while watching TV:)
she's finding her HIM, 12:42 AM.