this is my last post before my CA's start.
i will restrict myself from using com & put 100% of heart in my studies:).
aiming to get all straight "As" for all my modules.
everyone can make it, it see whether you want a not.
so work hard girls.
so goodbye blog!(temporary only)
i'll be away for 2 weeks.
to strive for my goals!
gotta stop now!
off for REVISION!!!!
she's finding her HIM, 4:13 PM.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
she's finding her HIM, 1:17 PM.
forgot to post about yesterday.
yesterday having POL-ITE training at Simei!
training was fuN! i'm sort kinda of addicted to this training.
it makes me so awake after the training.
& i think i had pulled my right thigh muscle!
so i went to spray the heat spray?! not sure what is it.
in the end it never help me reduce my pain, but it cause my my skins to turn super red& i know i sensetive to that!
so after training took bus to Tahan Merah & train down to cityhall with mel, nat, enyu.
but only meL & i dropped of at cityhall.
so on our way to cityhall, a guy opposite us keep starring at us.
he looks like a pervert. keep looking everywhere only for girls!
what a pervertic guy!
suck it man!
lucky he did not follow anyone of us home!
she's finding her HIM, 10:43 PM.
tomorrow having SRC training again.
i feel like we are a fool over there.
keep on going there for trial.
no selection no nothing.
maybe tomorrow is the last day i will go.
after that i think i will be finding part time job, to keep myself occupied.
CA's coming, so there will not be school taining & POL-ITE training for 2 weeks.
so for this 2 weeks will be chiong-ing for all modules.
but sad to say that, after school still need to shoot 100 balls.
but is good arh! can improve my shooting: hehehe!
going to sleep soon as tomorrow need to wake up early!
she's finding her HIM, 10:25 PM.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
school days, school work, & CCA are stressing me down now.
i think 1 day i will turn crazy over these things.
i tried to tell myself not to give up so easily when i meet any difficulties.
but sometimes i tends to give up some of them.
but not all.
because i know all this things are good for my future.
for e.g. like BEO, kept telling my teacher this subject is very difficult.
but i never think of it. what's makes you think of this subject is difficult?!
if i can't handle NITEC stuff, so what for going up to HIGHER NITEC?!
so from now onwards, i must think positively.
everything can be solved, if you think positively & in a correct way.
no matter how difficult it is, i will try my best.
so come on! everyone! let's work hard together to strive our goal!:)
she's finding her HIM, 9:14 PM.
mum was admitted to hospital yesterday due to some intestine/appendix problem.
yesterday night mum went to family clinic to see doctor and i followed her.
the doctor refer her to the hospital, as he suspected that she is having appendix problems.
after seeing clinic doctor we took cabby and head to KK Woman's Hospital & bro tag along too.
when we reach there, the nurse says that we should go Tan Tock Seng Hospital instead of KK.
so again we rush down to TTSH.
we waited for so long & finally is mum's turn.
the nurses of there had make her do a blood test, urine test & x-ray.
& they say maybe her blood had and infection?! or her intestine had something in it.
so she need to be warded for observation.
she was admitted to the ward around 2am plus in the morning.
after she was being push to the ward, we went in and look for her.
after seeing her we then head home.
reached home around 3 plus, intending not to do school the next day.
but i was so awake around 6 plus.
so went school.
after school rush home & head to hospital again with dad to pass mum's belongings & stuffs.
when we reached there, doctor had checked on her. & they say the same thing again. keep maybe-ing again.
but this time the doctor said that her small intestine had an infections.
so need to wait for the specialist to take a look at her.
probably she will be discharged tomorrow.
tomorrow will be having training, so must sleep early:0
she's finding her HIM, 9:01 PM.
body was aching like hell.
i think it was cause by the POL-ITE training. urgh!!
thursday have POL-ITE training in simei ITE.
i word to say the training "TIRED!"
seriously what our senior said, the training will make your whole body sweat like hell & smelly like dead fish!
but overall the training was fun & nice.
it's trains our stamina & skills.
& this training can help us slim down!! good!!
as for today went to school gym for weights.
body was cramp like hell & forcing myself to do the equipments!!
so tomorrow will be going SRC training!
WTH! i'm like not having rest at all.
Monday - after school must shoot 100 balls than can go home.
Tuesday - S&W in the morning & training in the evening.
Wednesday - after school must shoot 100 balls than can go home.
Thursday - POL-ITE Training!
Friday - Gym
Saturday - SRC training!
SUNDAY! - this the only day which i REST!
so tomorrow need to reached cityhall by 8.30am.
so need to sleep early:)
she's finding her HIM, 9:52 PM.
-alarm rang, woke up 5 minutes later.
-brush,bath & change
-7.35 left house.
-7.43 reached MRT station.
-7.47 met friends outside mrt & walk to school.
-went to locker took books & to class.
-first lesson. BEO.
-1st period study, 2nd unit 4 test.
-BEG, went to Com Lap.
-Test again.
-went canteen & makan. Fish & Chips.
-walk to Mrt & head home:)
tomorrow will be having S&W in the morninig.
think will be playing soccer but i don't think i will participate.
after that will be going to sort room. BORING! Troublesome:(
the rest lesson forgotten.
so school will end at 1 tomorrow.
need to meet ah min 3 plus at AMK hub.
cos we going SiMei ITE for netball.
we will be having POL-ITE training over there.
heard from senior that the training will be very tough.
so hope everyone can bare the training.
workhard together friends!:)
she's finding her HIM, 2:41 PM.

today nothing to do.
so i decided to make this thing.
she's finding her HIM, 2:38 PM.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
today SRC netball trial was fun & nice.
but feel so uneasy training with some of them.
not use to it.
feel so clumsy when doing the drills.
cos all my body was shaking like hell.
so during court game.
totally 100% NO CONFIDENT!
at all! dude!!!!
so after court game training ends.
training end soooo fast.
after training did not bath at all and smell like a dead fish.
so faster took bus & MRT n home to bath.
so next week will be going SRC training again.
hope on that day won't be so scared n nervous:)
goodluck to everyone:)
& remember to stay calm!!!!:))))
she's finding her HIM, 2:16 PM.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
match in kallang netball centre was super duper tired.
first some of us played match with a team. by the way don't know who they are.
i admit that the team is strong, but is damm pek chek playing with them.
cannot tahan. feel like scolding lots lots of vulgarities at them.
but lucky i can control.
so after this match we went to other court to play with the safra people.
they were super good! their moves was fast, their jump. no need to say you will also know.
how i wish to have half of their jumping skills.
but in the safra team majority of them are guys. that's why.
so during the half time. June & i went to practice shooting.
suddenly a guy ask us whether we are keen to go for his club for a netball trial.
i don't feel like going but coach and ms regina says is a rare chance, why don't give a try.
actually is i scared that the training is tough not don't feel like going.
anyway i will go for the trial this saturday and see how issit first:)
school have 2 test today both of the test i did not study at all.
all last minute study. but luckily i know some of the questions. but i don't think will get high marks for it:( today only attend class from 8 till 1. suppose to end at 3.
but we dismissed early because Mr Ang went to Macpherson ITE for don't know what shit.
so straight after school went home.
so went home do everything than watch TV show. suddenly got 1 guy wearing black from top to toe walk pass our unit and went to my neighbour's unit . at first i thought is my neighbour.
but i recall back that my neighbour is not that slim, so i told my grandma.
my grandma went to take a look, and the person seems scared when he saw my grandma and purposely ask my grandma whether she want to buy biscuits from him. but my grandma don't want . so he walked away and go to the other unit. my grandma kept spying at him and trying to see what he is doing. and we notice that he only will go to the 4 room flat unit and not three room flat. after that grandma brought my sis out for a walk at the corridoors.
than suddenly the same guy went up again, and he saw my grandma, and he was so scared.
i think he scared that grandma knows what he is doing and he ask her whether want to buy biscuit anot. than grandms says no again. than he faster walk down the stairs.
my grandma think that that guy doesn't seems like selling things, so she called my aunt and my aunt called the police. in a meanwhile the police came.
the police was like a little bit not happy like that. so grandma ask me to talk to them.
so i translate all what grandma says and the police just walk off like that.
no use sia!
after calling the police that guy did not came up again.
so just now just came back from dinner.
was super tirring but still blogging.
funny me. haha!
bye! good night!
she's finding her HIM, 9:26 PM.
OMG! having lots lots of test last week & this week.
and it's suffocating me now.
for now i can really feel the pressurize.
not like last semester, i still can cope with it.
now everyday for me is like study, housework, memorize notes or training.
but this exclude saturday n sunday.
this 2 days will be a holiday for me:)
nagging to my blog now about my modules.
This subject is very very complicating and difficult! n need to memorize alot of notes:(
trying to understand this subject but the teacher don't know how to teach.
sorry. not trying to say the teacher don't know how to teach.
is that he always joking around with us. and no one shows respect to him.
his the kind of teacher totally 100% no temper!
i don't know how he vent his anger this few years,
but he a nice n good teacher:)
another subject which needs to memorize.
but somehow i find this subject quite easy:)
still can cope with it.
can say is the subject which i like the least.
is all about head to body.
how to take care of your hair , nails , and etc. and body posture.
quite interesting for me.
this subject related to maths.
so, those who love/like maths will love/like this alot:)
this subject is getting more n more boring n difficult
totally have no mood in the subject anymore compared to last semester
this is one of the subject i love/like the most.
is also so called "PE" during primary n secondary school time
this is the time when i totally forgets my school work.
is for me to relax, play n exercise time.
love it:)
see! ITE is not that easy as some people say.
some people says that u no need to attend school also can pass.
bullshit them. haha!
so i hope that i can smoothly proceed to higher nitec than to my dream poly.
cya friends! if i can spot any one of you:)
don't be surprise than.
ps: although i'm a slower walker but i won't walk away:)
i'm just walking a longer route than you all:)
one day i will walk beside you n say hello to you:)
Saturday went out with Besties:)
Kelly , Carolene , Sujita and Huizhen.
and Sarah but she only pass us the camera and she went home.
sad:( she need to study for her exams
she's finding her HIM, 7:52 PM.
yesterday we went to someone's baby full month birthday.
all i know that the father is a CID.
cool sia. we are boring over there. so we took some photos:)
tomorrow will be making cookies!
yipee! cos tmr will only have me , mum , huizhen n sis.
try to ease our boredom so we decide to make cookies:)
haven buy the ingredients yet. maybe tomorrow or tonight.
tuesday faster reach! i want to go school. i want to go training!!!!

retarded me!

naughty little rascal!:)

huizhen n I

dad n sis

me and mum

me, sis n mum
she's finding her HIM, 5:51 PM.