Sunday, November 29, 2009
have been studying one whole day today.
really very tired!
& now my head is bursting out fulls of notes!
hope i won't forget them in the examination hall!
1 more day to exam.
i still cant my confident?!
i think i lost it somwhere!
which can hardly find.
so just now went to bugis to makan beancurd.
didn't ate much, cos i dont like beancurd.
after eating beancurd, johnny uncle suggest to go jurong bird park.
to view the scenery.
see all the streets with lights.
road with no vehicles
and etc.....
over that place it have a scent of coco smell,
cos over there, there is a coco production factory.
the smell was so strong & we couldn't take it anymore, although it smells good.
but the more you smell the more the smelly it is.
so we headed home after that:)
she's finding her HIM, 2:22 AM.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
okay CA's have come to the end.
but SA is coming in 1 weeks time!
What the Fcuk! ha!
we thougth the paper were difficult, but when we see the question,
everyone was like, omg! lucky we learned.
& all i expected question are out!
clever right?!
so next week must chion study again for the major exams.
after exams, we will be free.!
will be going chalet on the 2 dec till 4 dec
& netball chalet from 13 dec - 15 dec.
cool right!
such a busy woman! haha!
so result we be out around 15 dec.
hope everything will be smoothly done.
work hard girl!
believe in yourself!
she's finding her HIM, 2:45 PM.
okay, exams is coming.
& why am i blogging now.
shouldn't i be revising my notes now?!
some of my friends around me seem stress about exams but some not.
thinking ways to motivate some of them but i think is useless.
this upcoming exams will let me know which route i should continue.
either higher nitec, retake course or go out society to work.
OMG! think of this, i start to become terrified!
hope everthing will be smoothly done:) & will have an happy ending!
so? should i stop using & ban myself from using laptop?!
yah! i think i should!
omg! my bloody both ankle very itchy!!!
i think is because of the tape!
the tape which i use on the ITE SC day!
i tape both my ankle the whole morning till afternoon.
& now it's still itchy.
if after a week the itchness still not gone yet.
i think i need to consult a doctor.
okay, stop blogging.
& get ready to my lala land:)
she's finding her HIM, 11:04 PM.
today woke up early in the morning too.
went to Taka, to have Street Netball Macth.
first game did not played well, as we lost to them 4 balls only.
but the rest of the game we won.
we did not get in to the semi-finals.
because only the winner of each team will played in semi-final.
total there are 4 group. we are under 1st group.
so sad! went to find family at taka, shop shop eat eat than go home.
now, my whole leg very pain.
lucky now no more training but i think without training i will gain weight.
so must control diet now. haha:)
she's finding her HIM, 7:49 PM.
yesterday morning went to Kallang Netball Centre & empire.
kids over there were super CUTE!
we don't dare too empire them too strict.
because when you kept blowing them whistle, it's makes us feel gulity, after all they just a kids.
the most funniest thing is their stepping, some of them really step like no body business.
see their small foot, step so many times.
and some of their shoe is like so big, like doesn't belong to them like belong to their siblings one.haha
they are great players too. especially CHIJ Our Lady Queen Of Peace(highly reccomended)
their shooters was like wow!
it's makes my jaws dropped when i see the shooters move.
they were like 100% better than us.
there are also others potential ones.
so after empiring, we went to meet the CE Netball mates.
we went to eat steamboat.
actually, the food over there was YUCKY! & expensive.
i rather go eat seoul garden.
so after eating we went to bugis than iluma.
went to iluma sky, tooks lots of pictures but lazy to upload here.
around 11, everyone headed home:)
she's finding her HIM, 7:32 PM.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Yesterday, ITE SC had finally ended.
Everyone trained so hard is to wait for this day to come.
Although we did not achieved the champion, at least CC Team 1 got 3rd position.
Everyone was so delightful!
As for the 1st & 2nd position was taken by the CE Team 1 & 2.
COngrats! Congrats!
everyones put in their effort to play & put in their best performance to play too.
as for the CC team 2 they did not won anything, but nevertheless, the put in their 100% effort to play. their determination are very good!
well done team 2.
& alot of people says team 2 playing attitude is the best compared to others & us:)
so.... after the match our coach treat us SWENSONS!
so we went to swensons and ate Earthquake.
5 person share 1 earthquake, so Kiamin, Nat, Beryl, Ashikin & i shared one.
we like long time never eat before like this.
we are the first group to makan finish!
KiaSu right?!
so after having our SWENSONS.
We decided to go and eat Seoul Garden, but is too expensive.
so we decied to eat ajisang.
Suppose to have 5 person going but the TOH ENYU pang sei us and go home!
so only beryl, kiamin, nat and I went to Ajisang!
after that we went back home sweet home.
this coming saturday going to empire the primary school netball,
very excited & nervous! because i seldom empire.
& this coming sunday having street netball @ Ngee Ann City.
hope we can win & get the $ to spent on the things we want. ha!
will be blogging next time:) enough for today:)
below are some of the photos we took during the match:)


Everyone is waiting for the prize presentation.....

Vicky look so funny

Can you see me? i'm shooting!:)

Nani & Me Fighting for Ball!

QQ & Me

We Again!!

Top: Beryl & Nani
Below: QQ & Me

Beryl, ChenYing & me!
beryl food looks so yummy:)
she's finding her HIM, 5:04 PM.