Friday, February 26, 2010
in my whole entire life, i did so many house chores these 2 days!
grandma, went overseas and all those house chores things were under us.
grandma please come back.
i'm tired of doing that. haha!
but doing house chores will help u to lose weight.
really! i swear!
u will sweat like no body business.
as if the sweat no need money.
yeah, tmr outing with ite-mates.
not sure how many ppl will turn up.
nvm.. at least a few of them turn up can already.
the rest who did not turn out, they will miss the fun.
she's finding her HIM, 9:21 PM.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
i have not been schooling around 4 months.
omg! i'm rotting
how i wish april will reach faster and i can start schooling again.
ya, schooling reminds me alot things.
those precious memories all are from secondary school days.
with netballers.
everywhere we go, we were like stick together.
i think the whole school knows that we are netballers even the whole staff members.
during recess we will sit together and have our lunch together.
and i still remember the favourite stalls that we like to visit.
the malay stall which sells drumsticks one and the chinese noodles stall.
haha! omg! i'm drooling.
and we always drink PEACH TEA.
ya, i still remember one period of time, we skipped our recess together, and stay in 4n1 classroom.
to slack and gossip. haha! FUN!
during netball training, when seniors are there, we are very serious, when seniors not there we are not serious at all and when seniors graduated, we dont even care! about training haha!
and i still remember, when our ex senior came to school and trained we all, all of us were dead
all they know is to give us sucide run. omg! another a 100 rounds of netball court.
haha! thinking way back , i think all these things are worth it.
if without all the hardwork, i dont think the netballers are physically fit now, all of us will be very girly and physically unfit. haha!
and one more thing, we like to gossip about each others, quarrell n fight among ourselves.
thinking way back, i have knew that we are damm childish.
because of a small/tiny things, we also can quarrell over it.
really stupid.
how i wish i can go back to the past.
being with secondary schools friends.
eat together in the canteen,
train together.
gossiping together
buy food together
and etc......
there are hundreds or even thousnds of things we did together but i am unable to list it down.
i also miss ITE days with my cliques.
study together.
do project together
eating together
gossiping together
and etc....
and we notice that we did not quarrell at all for 1 year.
amazing! haha!
all of us understand each other.
thats why each of us will give in and forget about it.
this is good ehs.
so this year we must be in the same class again kay?!
haha! than the routine will be continue again,
she's finding her HIM, 1:05 AM.
Friday, February 19, 2010
she's bored. she's bored.
staying at home and rot.
kelly! when are you coming back.
our swimming? you forgotten?
faster from Msia fly back instead of taking bus/car back.
dont stay there too long. not good. not good.
results were out yesterday.
and glad to say that i've successfully proceed to Higher Nitec Accounting.
sadly to say that some of my friends did not make it.
dont be sad. dont worry be happy:D
you all still have 2nd round of appealing.
really hope that the appealing will be successful.
so this april will see each other toghther.
so ya, dont think so much. enjoy yourselves:D
i need to go out for a walk.
anyone want it too?
lots of outing haven plan yet.
when are you playing?(you should know who i refering to)
i know its hard to plan a outing but no choice.
whenever i plan a outing.
the mission is always incomplete.
thats why i dont want and dont dare to plan.
so you guys plan okay? set?
she's finding her HIM, 2:46 PM.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
this year CNY is super boring.
dont know why.
and i only ang pao's which contain a paththic amount.
Chu Xi
-grandma,grandpa,uncle,mag&johnny came to my house n having steamboat.
Chu Yi
-aunty irene family came early in the morning
-after headed to dagu's house
-headed back to shunfu, grandma house
-have Shabu Shabu instead of steamboat. yummy:D
Chu Er
-lion dance at grandma's house.
-maternal relatives came.
- tons of ppl. ha
Chu San
-went to xiao jiu gong house
-then to er jiu gong house:D
boring ehs
this year dont feel like celebrating CNY
cos do not have CNY spirit ehs.
18 feb. its means 2 more days
we will know which course we went it.
hopefully can get into Accounting:D
nth to blog.
so stop here then.
she's finding her HIM, 10:27 PM.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
ElaineOngEeLing is super super super TIRED now.
all she know is to wake up super super later tomorrow and head to her mum's place after that to have stemboat session:D
she's finding her HIM, 1:14 AM.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
work up early in the morning, bath n everything, n get ready to work.
off to work at TPY from 9am-1pm.
after work headed to Town with KiaMin.
than shop there around 4 hrs? if i'm not wrong.
then went to Khatib to meet Nat and head to work again.
hardworking me ehs.
haha! so around 9 plus reached home. bath n everything and now playing lappy.
took some pictures with Kelly(darling) haha!
so stupid.
she's now in malaysia & i'm in singapore.
we webcam and took pictures. cool eh. haha
she's finding her HIM, 1:12 AM.

yesterday went to kelly's house and help out for the BBQ.
went to buy the rest of the stuff at Prime and head back to kelly's house to wait fot the rest to help us carry the stuff.
so around 6 plus leave the house and head to the BBQ area.
alot ppl went there.
i bet kelly is damm happy after the BBQ.
because is a very successful BBQ.
first time plan and is good.haha!
everyone long time no see.
and kelly organised a BBQ is a right time.
for us to gather.
but sad, some of them cant make it.
or else will have more ppl.
the more the merrier:D
she's finding her HIM, 1:27 AM.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
any suggestion or opinion please:DD
she's finding her HIM, 10:52 PM.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
long time never update already.
what should i start off first?!
erm.... beach fiesta had just ended recently.
help out in the beach fiesta.
& lucky i never kana sun burnt ot whatever.
but my scalp kana it!
haha! damm pain.
i lost my voice recently too.
till now, my voice is still a man voice.
haha! lols:D
photo will be updating soon.
my life is filled with sleeps, work & makaning
wonderful right?!
crazy girl!
how i can wish,
faster school reopen.
i'm rotting at home when there's no work n training.
yeah. mum is resigning this thursday,
that means, my freedom is no longer limited. i guess?!
yeah, tmr will be another day rotting at home.
sad hor!
she's finding her HIM, 11:33 PM.